Little Devils Stairs Falls

Little Devils Stairs Falls – 3D Map, Photos and Directions – Shenandoah National Park

Little Devils Stairs Falls in Shenandoah National Park is easy to reach but do not expect much of a waterfall during dry spells. As such the waterfall is not considered a destination in itself; most folks visit the waterfall during longer loop hikes in the Keyser Run area.

Nevertheless, if you are in the area after a rain spell, check it out.

Little Devils Stairs Falls
Little Devils Stairs Falls

It is a very pleasant, almost flat, walk down the Keyser Run Fire Road and then on the short, winding trail down to the Falls. The last 0.4 miles is somewhat steep but the trail is good.

The Great Virginia Waterfall Trail

The Falls of Little Devils Stairs is in Section 10 of the Great Virginia Waterfall Trail which travels the 127 miles of Shenandoah National Park.

Virginia Waterfall Trail - Section 10
Virginia Waterfall Trail – Section 10


Park in the Keyser Run Parking area at Mile 19.4 where there is room for a dozen or so vehicles.

Little Devils Stairs Trail - Parking
Little Devils Stairs Trail – Parking
Road Map - Little Devils Stairs Falls
Road Map – Little Devils Stairs Falls (the trail on the right)

Trail Map

3D  Trail Map - Little Devils Stairs Falls
3D Trail Map – Little Devils Stairs Falls

The Trail

Walk down the Keyser Run Fire Road for 1 mile then turn left on the Blue Blazed Little Devils Stairs Trail.

Little Devils Stairs Trail - Blue Trail Turn
Little Devils Stairs Trail – Blue Trail Turn after 1 mile

The waterfall appears on the left after 0.4 miles (as soon as you reach the creek).

Trail Profile

Little Devils Stairs Falls - Trail Profile
Little Devils Stairs Falls – Trail Profile

Google Map of Virginia Waterfalls

Little Devils Stairs Falls is in Shenandoah National Park on this Virginia Waterfalls map by Eben Schoeman.