Lewis Falls

Lewis Falls – 3D Map, Photos and Directions – Shenandoah National Park

Its proximity to Big Meadows makes Lewis Falls a very popular destination in Shenandoah National Park.

Unfortunately in summer, the waterfall slows down to a mere trickle but if you visit after heavy rains it can be very spectacular.

Lewis Falls
Lewis Falls

The Great Virginia Waterfall Trail

Lewis Falls is in Section 10 of the Great Virginia Waterfall Trail which travels the 127 miles of Shenandoah National Park.

Virginia Waterfall Trail - Section 10
Virginia Waterfall Trail – Section 10


Park in the small lot at mile 54.4 (west side of the road) or across the road at mile 54.3.

Road Map - Lewis Falls
Road Map – Lewis Falls (2nd trail from the top)

Trail Map

3D Trail Map - Lewis Falls
3D Trail Map – Lewis Falls (click to enlarge)

The Trail

The 0.9-mile trail is steep, rocky, and straight down and it gets slippery near the waterfall so please wear proper shoes!

The blue-blazed trail is marked and crosses the Appalachian Trail. Near the Falls it meets up with the Lewis Spring Falls Trail coming from the amphitheater at Big Meadows. You can do a loop hike when combining these 3 trails.

Lewis Falls - Observation Point
Lewis Falls – Observation Point

There is an observation point above the Falls with handrails for safety and while it is possible to bushwhack down to the base I’ve decided to not show that trail.

The reason is simple – the trail to the base is dangerous and in full view of folks at the observation point (especially when the vegetation is thin). I do not want to encourage the general tourist (with no bushwacking experience) to try and follow anyone down to the base. 

Trail Profile

Profile - Lewis Falls
Profile – Lewis Falls (click to enlarge)

Google Map of Virginia Waterfalls

Lewis Falls is in Shenandoah National Park on this Virginia Waterfalls map by Eben Schoeman.