If you think there are no waterfall surprises left in Virginia, think again because Falls Run Waterfall will take your breath away!
If you visit in the Spring or when the nearby creeks run high, you can stand underneath this 60-foot-high waterfall and let the cool water refresh your soul like nature intended!
This is a remote waterfall and we urge you to read Eben Schoeman’s post about Bushwacking Virginia Waterfalls!

The Great Virginia Waterfall Trail
Falls Run Waterfall is in Section 8 of the Great Virginia Waterfall Trail which travels 87 miles from Harrisonburg to Winchester.

If you want to park closer and save 0.7 miles (making the hike 1 mile one way instead of 1.7), it is best to call the Lee Ranger District and ask if the gates on FR252 are open BEFORE arrival. If open then you can drive up and park at the top lot (room for 10 or so vehicles) as shown on the trail map below.
We do not like surprises so we always park at the end of VA701 (room for 2 or 3 vehicles in the lower parking area) meaning we can hike at any time! There are no gates and it is tarmac most of the way.

Trail Map

The Trail
The 1.7-mile hike is steep and the trail is very rocky especially the first 0.2 miles after leaving the lower parking lot. The higher parking lot (accessible certain months when the gates are open) puts you closer to the better part of the trail but the steepness remains!
Regardless of your parking choice, you will head uphill on a yellow-marked trail.
- lower parking – walk towards the house and the yellow Forest Service trail crosses Falls Run Creek to the right. No need to enter the private property! Stay on the trail until you cross FR252 then continue for 0.6 miles to the left turn (white trail) down to the waterfall
- upper parking – walk towards the gate and look for the yellow trail on the right just beyond the gate. Continue for 0.6 miles and turn left (white trail) down to the waterfall
The trail down to the waterfall is also steep and a bit rough. Take it easy!
There are huge boulders at the base of the waterfall and some are very slippery. Be careful!
Trail Profile (one way)

Google Map of Virginia Waterfalls
Falls Run Falls is near Jerome on this Virginia Waterfalls map by Eben Schoeman.