Jones Run Falls #2

Falls of Jones Run – 3D Maps, Photos and Directions – Shenandoah National Park

The out-and-back Jones Run Trail is one of the easier waterfall hikes in Shenandoah making it a good starter hike if you are unsure about your hiking abilities.

Along the 1.8-mile (3.6-mile return) trail are two pretty waterfalls and a cascade. The trail gradient is gentle.

Jones Run Falls #2
Jones Run Falls #2

The Great Virginia Waterfall Trail

The Falls of Jones Run are in Section 10 of the Great Virginia Waterfall Trail which travels the 127 miles of Shenandoah National Park.

Virginia Waterfall Trail - Section 10
Virginia Waterfall Trail – Section 10


You have two options to see the Falls of Jones Run. I park in the Jones Run parking area and prefer the out-and-back because I want to get down early and fast to begin my shoots long before other hikers arrive.  Then I rush to the next waterfalls before the sun rises too high!

If you want a longer and steeper hike that includes the two waterfalls of the Doyles River, you can park at mile 83 (Browns Gap) and then combine the Browns Gap Fire Rd, the Doyles River Trail, the Jones Run Trail, and the Appalachian Trail for a 5.8-mile loop hike!

Road Map - Jones Run Falls
Road Map – Jones Run Falls (the bottom trail on this map)

Trail Map

3D Trail Map - Jones Run Falls
3D Trail Map – Jones Run Falls (click to enlarge)

The Trail

To hike down to the Falls and back, park at the Jones Run Trailhead (Mile 84.1). It is a popular hike on weekends so it is best to arrive early!

The trail curves steadily downhill. At 1.6 miles, Jones Run Falls #1 comes into view on your left.

Jones Run Falls #1
Jones Run Falls #1 (click to enlarge)

Continue downhill for a short distance and you will suddenly stand above Jones Run Falls #2. From here a short switchback takes you to the base of the Falls at mile 1.8. This is the main waterfall along Jones Run.

Jones Run Falls #2
Jones Run Falls #2 (click to enlarge)

At this point, you can return to the parking area but I suggest you continue downhill for just a few minutes to see the Jones Run Cascades.

Jones Run Falls #3 (cascades)
Jones Run Falls #3 (cascades)

NOTE – You can continue down the trail until it meets up with the Doyles River Trail. A left turn will take you to two stunning waterfalls but I cover these in another post.

Trail Profile

Jones Run Falls - Trail Profile
Jones Run Falls – Trail Profile

Google Map of Virginia Waterfalls

Jones Run Falls is in Shenandoah National Park on this Virginia Waterfalls map by Eben Schoeman.