Want to camp for free near Sedona and the most popular hiking trails? These 8 areas are your ONLY options.
There are free camping opportunities in all directions from Sedona – this guide is about the 8 free camping areas closest to Downtown Sedona, the top hiking trails, and its famous red rocks!
PLEASE READ my other guides for other dispersed camping opportunities in the greater Sedona area.
In this guide, you will find maps with directions, updates on road conditions, locations of most campsites, and availability of amenities such as cell coverage, water, and toilets.
About Sedona and Coconino National Forest
Coconino National Forest surrounding the city of Sedona is managed by the Red Rock Ranger District (in red below) under the supervision of the Headquarters in Flagstaff.
As shown in the image above, the Red Rock Ranger Station and Visitor Center is just east of the Village of Oak Creek along scenic route 179 – Phone: (928) 203-2900
Maps and Directions
I highly recommend the Avenza Maps App!
Download the Motor Vehicle Use Maps for Coconino National Forest.
Recommended FREE Camping Areas in Coconino National Forest nearest to Sedona
This area is suffering from very high usage and officials are constantly looking at ways to manage the influx of dispersed campers. For this reason, always visit the official Coconino website to learn about changes and camping restrictions before you plan to arrive.
There is an Official Dispersed Camping Guide – please download it here.
Dispersed camping is allowed on Coconino Forest land for a period not to exceed 14 nights within a 30-consecutive day period. The 30-day period begins when a camper initially occupies a specific location in the forest. The 14-day limit may be reached either through a number of separate visits or through 14 days of continuous overnight occupation during the 30-day period.
After the 14th night of occupation, the camper must leave Coconino National Forest until the new cycle begins on day 31.
Do stop at the Ranger Station to ask about dispersed camping in the area.
As shown on the map above, here are the 8 FREE camping areas within an easy drive from Sedona:
- Along FR525 – Surprise, Windmill, Cockscomb, Greasy Spoon, Nolan, the most popular camping area. Five designated areas (not dispersed), great views, some Verizon Service in most sites, dusty, busy, very bad roads, RVs of all sizes.
- Along FR89B (Deer Pass Trail) – Javelina and Angel Valley, two crowded designated areas (not dispersed), weak Verizon service once over the hill, 20ft limit for Angel Valley (steep hill).
- Along FR9570 – Rockview – just to the south of FR525, one of my favorite areas, one large camping area, and two smaller spots, decent Verizon service but spotty
Camping Pods, not Dispersed Camping Sites!
The 8 designated camping pods (areas) are not individual sites. This is important to understand. Each pod is a shared area and you can camp alone, or surrounded by a dozen other campers. You will hear music, generators, ATVs, people partying, or worse.
If you and your neighbors are respectful then you will have a wonderful camping experience. But all it takes is one and then you may have to pack up and camp elsewhere.
The 8 camping areas near Sedona are not designed to offer private, quiet, dispersed camping experiences. If you want peace and quiet then you have to look elsewhere.
I do not call these camping pods “dispersed camping”. If you want true dispersed camping near Sedona, then please read my other articles listed above!
Free camping along FR89B (Deer Pass Trail)
Two designated camp areas:
Javelina – Any size rig but space is very limited.
Angel Valley – 24′ limit for RVs. It is a very steep and bumpy road and the turn into the camping area is slippery when wet. 4WD is highly recommended when that area is muddy.
Regarding potable water and toilets – there are toilets at the Deer Pass Trailhead west of Javelina.
Verizon has workable but spotty LTE service at Javelina. It is worse at Angel Valley.
Free Camping along FR9570
Designated camp area Rockview is a very scenic place to camp. You do not have closeup views of the Sedona red rocks but the camp area is high on a steep hill with demanding views! There is a small circular area and two spots higher up the hill.
Regarding potable water and toilets – there are toilets at the Deer Pass Trailhead west of Javelina.
Verizon has workable but spotty LTE service at Rockview. The larger, lower area has a stronger signal than the two higher spots.
Free Camping along FR525

This is by far the most popular camping area near Sedona. On busy days finding a site becomes a game of luck and quick decisions. If you spot a site but decide to explore further, you may be out of luck by the time you circle back! The vehicle behind you occupied the site!
- The road is bad. Very bad. The northern half is like driving over rocks at times. It can destroy a 100K camper when not careful.
- There are only five camping areas and unless you are willing to park very close to others (possibly annoying them), you may not find something for the night.
- There are no designated campsites, only designated camping areas. Folks can park any way they like. They can pull up to your bumper if they want. If you find a large, empty site be aware you will not be alone for long – other campers will join you on all sides! Be prepared for loud generator noise until 10 pm.
- Nolan offers the most privacy whereas Greasy Spoon has the best views
- Cell service is challenging and spotty
Why is FR525 so popular? The views of the Sedona mountains are fabulous from this road and it offers easy access to ATV and Hiking/Biking Trails. If you can handle the very bumpy road, the sites on the north end of FR525 are the most desired because those are closest to the action and with the best views of the red rocks.
The official camping areas are shown on several signboards in the area. Dispersed camping is not allowed in a large area of the forest to the west of Sedona.
There are toilets to the north at the hiking trailheads as shown on my maps. There is a water bottle filling station at the Visitor Center in town.
Verizon has LTE service at many sites but for some reason, it can be spotty. I recommend you check the signal before settling in. I think the service is better on the east side of 525!